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A bodybuilder is a person who trains to build muscle. The term “bodybuilding” was coined in the early 20th century by Eugen Sandow, an Austrian-born German strongman, and physical culturist. He popularized his system of exercises called Sandow’s Method, which emphasized weightlifting with free weights and calisthenics.

There are so many advanced techniques and methods that allow many to get into shape. However, in this article, we will discuss some essential tips on starting your journey towards becoming a leaner version of yourself. This article aims to provide all information about how to cut down on calories by eating less food but still getting enough nutrients from it.

Let’s begin.

The first step towards reducing calorie intake is to know what exactly we eat. We need to understand our daily diet to make changes accordingly. If you want to reduce your calorie intake, then try these tips:

1) Eat more fruits and vegetables

Fruits and veggies contain lots of water and fiber, which helps us feel full for a longer time. They also have vitamins and minerals like potassium, calcium, etc., which keep our bodies healthy. So if you want to shed some kilos, then start consuming them regularly. You can add fresh fruit or vegetable juice into smoothies too.

To achieve your goal of of eliminating excess fat, you can also include some high quality supplements to boost your efforts. There are many reliable supplement retailers online such as Steelsupplements.com

2) Drink plenty of fluids

Water keeps our system hydrated and prevents dehydration. Dehydration leads to fatigue and hunger pangs. Try drinking at least eight glasses of water every day. This way, you’ll be able to avoid overeating later.

3) Avoid sugary drinks

Sugary beverages give an instant energy boost. But they don’t satisfy our appetite for long. Instead, opt for healthier options such as milkshakes, juices with added protein powder, sports drink mixes, tea/coffee instead of soda. These drinks are low-calorie alternatives to sugar-laden soft drinks.

4) Include lean proteins in your meals

Lean meats, fish, poultry, eggs, beans, nuts, seeds, tofu, soy products, whole grains, legumes, dairy products, and avocado are rich sources of high-quality protein. Protein plays an essential role in building muscle mass and keeping metabolism going. Also, having an adequate amount of protein ensures feeling satiated throughout the day.

5) Add spices to your dishes

Spices enhance the flavor and aroma of food, thus making it taste better. Adding spice to your meal not only makes it tasty but aids the digestion process too. Some examples include black pepper, ginger, garlic, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, curry leaves, bay leaf, cardamom pods, cloves, red chili peppers, turmeric, paprika, etc.

6) Use olive oil cooking spray

Olive oil has many health benefits; hence why scientists say using olive oil while cooking may prevent heart diseases. Scientists recommend adding one teaspoon of olive oil when sautéing meat, chicken, seafood, pasta, rice, potatoes, etc.

7) Have a small portion of salad

A bowl of mixed greens topped with grilled chicken breast, tuna, salmon, shrimp, egg whites, cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, olives, carrots, bell peppers, celery, mushrooms, artichokes, sunflower sprouts, broccoli florets, cauliflower pieces, jicama sticks, radishes, snow peas, snap peas, zucchini slices, cherry tomatoes, grapefruit segments, pineapple chunks, strawberries. These dishes help fill up on fewer calories than regular salads.

8) Make use of fat-free dressings

Fat-free dressings provide moisture without extra calories. Choose from creamy Italian sauce, ranch-style dip. Or make your own by mixing sour cream, yogurt, lemon juice, minced onion, salt & pepper.

9) Take advantage of leftovers

Leftover is just another name for “free” food! If you’re eating out, ask for half portions and take home the rest. It’s easy to eat smaller amounts because there will always be something else available. At home, if you have any leftover cooked foods, simply reheat them in the microwave or oven before serving. You can also freeze these items so that you can enjoy them anytime.

In conclusion, one more thing about dieting that we must keep in mind is that even after following all this, if you still feel hungry, it’s time to eat healthy snacks. So try to incorporate at least 2-3 healthy snacks into your daily routine. Snacks should consist of fruits, veggies, cereals, pulses, nuts, seeds, avocados, yogurt, cottage cheese, popcorn, chocolates, etc. Try to avoid unhealthy junk foods as they tend to give us unnecessary calorie intake. By following the plan in this article, you would quickly achieve your weight loss goals within no time.


Building back definition for men is not so easy but it’s possible with the right exercises, a good diet plan, dedication and in some cases, high-quality supplements might be needed to enhance and accelerate the results.

Here, you will learn how to build up your back area for aesthetics, better posture and overall health and wellbeing.

Here are a few tips, take them into consideration if you want to build back definition to shape and define your physique.

Establish Mind- Muscle Connection

Often, aspiring bodybuilders or men who want to lose excess fat and improve their physical appearance fail to establish a mind-muscle connection before attempting specific exercises to build back definition.

If you want to build muscle, you need to establish the proper form and this comes when you really focus on feeling the muscles working. When you are working on your back muscles, you can’t actually see your muscles working therefore, you need to feel them working instead.

Before you start your back workout, warm up the muscles with light weights. The point of this is to get that mind-muscle connection and of course, to warm up your muscles. Squeeze your muscles with each rep and feel your muscles working. You can’t build muscle definition without feeling the muscles working.

Pull-Ups are Key

If pull-ups are not part of your back workout routine, what are you waiting for? They do look quite scary especially if you are new to working out however, you can start small by doing assisted pull-ups before you move on to performing pull-ups without any assistance at all. Start by doing as many reps as you can and increase your reps as you improve.

Use a Wide Variety of Exercises

Instead of focusing on one type of exercise, combine many different exercises to give your back a full workout. Perform bent-over rows, but make sure you achieve a solid bent over row form. Achieving good form is vital if you want to see back muscle definition. Also, include dumbbell rows, T-bar, pulldowns and seated rows. Perform 15 to 20 reps and three to five sets of each exercise.

You can do back exercises twice a week and rest your back muscles on other days.


Diet is crucial when it comes to building muscle definition, especially if you carry a lot of excess fat on your back or in any other area of your body. If you want better muscle definition, you need to pay attention to your diet too. Examine the types of food that you eat on a regular basis, if you are serious about gaining muscle definition reduce the processed carbs such as white bread and pasta.

Eat more whole foods such as sweet potatoes and Ezekiel bread, lots of fruits and vegetables and lean protein such as lean chicken and fish. Combine your lean protein and good carbs with plenty of fresh greens such as kale, broccoli and Swiss chard.

Include some good quality supplements into your diet if you need more nutrients such as protein powders and nutritional supplements such as magnesium and zinc.

Don’t forget the water! Often, your body appears bloated due to dehydration. When you fail to hydrate the body, it holds onto the water in the muscles causing water retention. This greatly affects muscle definition. Therefore, if you want your back muscles to show through more, drink at least one gallon of water a day if you can and drink more on heavy lifting days.

Add Cardio to Your Routine

Add some cardiovascular exercise to your routine to complement your strength training. At least an hour of brisk walking a day should be fine however, you can also add some high-intensity interval training to your exercise plan too. Do cardio at least three times per week, 40 minutes of high-intensity interval training should be sufficient.

Run, skip or cycle at a quick pace for 30 seconds and take 10 seconds rest. Repeat this ten times and rest for three minutes. Repeat until you have completed 40 minutes of exercise. You can mix up the routine by adding jumping jacks, burpees and other cardiovascular exercises to increase the intensity of the workout.


Rest is just as important as working out and consuming healthy foods. Your muscles need to rest in order to heal and grow. Therefore, perform your back workout routine twice a week and rest the muscles for the remaining days.

To conclude, building visible muscle definition is far from easy, however, with persistence, a good diet, correct-form exercises and plenty of water and rest, you will certainly achieve that enviable back definition that you desire.