A lot of people see clear aligners as this miracle solution for crooked teeth. They’re pretty much invisible, don’t require surgery, and can be taken off if you need to. These are all great advantages, but you need to know exactly what to expect and some of their drawbacks as well when making your decision. This will allow you to assess your situation and see if they’re a good solution. There are also cases where they wouldn’t be a viable option for some people. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of clear aligners.
Pro – The Look
The first and most obvious advantage of clear aligners is that they won’t be as unsightly as regular braces. As a matter of fact, someone can wear clear aligners everyday without people around them noticing.
This makes them a great option for professionals who don’t want to stand out. No matter what you think, metal braces could leave an impression if you’re speaking with clients. This makes clear aligners the best choice for people who rely on their image in their line of work.
This is also a great option for growing teenagers. They tend to get very self-conscious at that age, and the last thing they want is to attract questions or jokes about their braces. In this case, clear aligners would be a perfect choice.
Con – They Require Discipline
However, one of the things with invisible braces is that they require discipline. This is why braces are often considered a better option for smaller children. But, if you’re worried about discipline, know that you can find night time clear aligners that can be worn only at night. This will prevent them from taking out the aligners.
If you want to learn more about the benefits of invisible braces compared to regular ones, we suggest you check out this page by Aligner Co on clear braces vs wire braces. They run down all the differences between the two, including costs. They compare them based on appearance, duration, pain, and tons of other factors. This will give you a clearer idea of which option would be the best for you or your child.
Another thing with clear aligners is that there are times when you will be required to remove them, like when eating, for instance. On the other hand, you don’t have to worry about what you eat as much as you would with wire braces.
Pro – Maintenance is Easier
One of the best things about clear aligners is that they’re much less of a hassle overall than other options. You can take them out and clean your teeth and put them back on. Flossing is also much easier. People with traditional braces often have to invest in a Waterpik for flossing, as doing it traditionally is too much trouble.
Another thing that makes these so convenient is the minimal number of visits required. You can sometimes get your aligners without even having to leave home. A mold will usually be sent to you to take an impression of the teeth. You will then have to send it back to the lab where experts will build the aligners for you and send them to your door. It doesn’t get any simpler than that.
Con – They Can be an Inconvenience
While they aren’t as intrusive as traditional braces, clear braces can still be inconvenient from time to time. Having to go to the bathroom to take them out when in a public space can get annoying after a while. You will also need to brush your teeth right before you put them back in, which can be awkward if you’re not in a familiar environment.
Pro – They’re More Comfortable
Another point in favor of invisible braces is that they’re much more comfortable than traditional braces. Yes, things will feel a bit uncomfortable when you first wear them. But the material they’re made of will make things easier.
There will also be less gum and mouth issues with these. Wire braces are known for causing cuts in the interior of the cheek, which will usually be treated with a salt wash. No need to worry about this with clear aligners. This could also be a good reason to get them for a younger child as well.
Another point a lot of people overlook is temperature. Wire braces are made of metal, and metal can get extremely cold in the winter. This means that you or your child might have to deal with teeth sensitivity issues.
Clear aligners can be a great option if you need something discreet and efficient. Wire braces could still be an option for some, however, and should not be completely discounted. Do your research, and make sure that you weigh the advantages and disadvantages of every option before making your final choice.
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