Whilst we always love going on road trips with the family, there is always something special about going away with friends. The open road and the destination in mind with friends should be completed at least once per year.
We look at some of the best road trips for guys:
Baseball Road Trips
Whether you are on the East coast, West Coast or in the Midwest we have included 3 different ball park road trips in the USA to cover all areas.
Baltimore (Camden Yards) to New York (Yankee Stadium) to Boston (Fenway Park)
If you are on the east coast then start off in Baltimore and drive north to New York where you will visit the world famous New York Yankee Stadium and then on to bitter rivals the Boston Red Sox at Fenway Park.
Cincinnati (Great American Ball Park) to Chicago (Wrigley Field) to St. Louis (Busch Stadium)
For those in the Mid West then this 3 stop road trip with friends is amazing. During the summer time this is one of favourite trips, visiting 3 completely different states.
Seattle (Safeco Field) to Oakland (McAfee Coliseum) to San Francisco (AT&T Park)
For those baseball fans on the west coast then there is also a great road trip, however this is not as far and as interesting as the others, with friends you can make it into a fun experience.
Ideally split the driving up before you start to avoid any issues. Remember that when driving and reversing then using a rear view camera is essential, especially in built up areas. This allows and ensures you don’t have any issues with your own car/truck or rental.
San Diego to Los Angeles to Las Vegas
This is a great trip for groups of guys wanting sun, sea and partying. Starting off in one of the best cities in the US you will travel north to Los Angeles where partying on Santa Monica beach is a must. Remember to save energy because when you get to Las Vegas this is where the real partying begins. Expect to spend money on this trip because all 3 destinations are expensive unless you want to budget and stay in hostels.
San Francisco to Seattle to Vancouver
This is an amazing road trip, whether with family or with guys. The short distances mean that you experience 3 major cities and enjoy everything they have to offer. Start off by going downtown San Francisco and partying with the tourists, then make your way to one of our most impressive cities Seattle and then across the border to Canada.
Traveling with your guy friends is an amazing experience, we recommend you plan each day to ensure that you complete everything you set out. Guys with no plan means guys staying in the same city. Have we missed anything off the list that you think should be included. Read our style guide before you go with your friends.
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