
Manbabies Will Make You Wet Your Pants

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If you read Just A Guy Thing regularly, you know that we love weird, wacky, wonderful websites. But may very well be the oddest site to date.

The concept is simple and the results are eye-popping. What happens when you use Photoshop to swap a baby’s head for a man’s? Really, really creepy photos. The photos are submitted by users or created by the site’s owners. For a fee, the site will even swap heads from your own photos.

Here are some of the highlights from the site, although you really need to visit to get the full, deliciously creepy effect:

Yes that’s correct, there is a website dedicated to this. Unbelievable we know but in the world where anyone can create online content it is no surprise that this is out there. Just like them masks which people can buy which turns there head into a babies. We promise not to bring you too many websites like this because we agree it makes for strange viewing. Read some more of our light reading articles on Just a guy thing.

Just A Guy Thing is a men's lifestyle magazine focused primarily at guys wanting to better themselves.

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