Men want to look stylish and sophisticated. Unfortunately, some men don’t have the first clue where to start when creating a wardrobe. They make mistakes, often overspend, and just aren’t satisfied with the results. Men who want to bring out the beasts in themselves are encouraged to read through six styling tips for men who want to look sleek.
1. Choose Slacks Over Jeans or Chinos
Choosing slacks over jeans or chinos gives men a sleeker style that is quite impressive. It shows that he is more professional and cares about fashion. Jeans are for more relaxed situations like watching football at home. A great-fitting pair of slacks creates better lines that accentuate the man’s body and make him more appealing. It also gives off a better first impression to potential employers when attending job interviews.
2. Quality Over Quantity
A common mistake men make when it comes to fashion is buying too much and failing to coordinate. They also spend more than they need on a larger bundle of clothes instead of choosing high-quality pieces. Choosing a few high-quality, expensive pieces is better than cheaply made products that don’t last. The best strategy is to find coordinating pieces from a high-end brand and create the foundation for a great wardrobe. Browsing retailers, such as bamboo cay, give men a great starting point for their seasonal wardrobe.
3. Don’t Wear Gym Shoes Outside the Gym
A major fashion faux pas that men make is wearing gym shoes outside the gym. Not only are gym shoes smelly, but they also aren’t fashion-forward choices for men. Men who want to wear sneakers should choose styles that coordinate well with more elegant casual styles. Athletic shoes don’t create sleek lines or make men look as impressive as loafers and formal footwear.
4. Create Cuff Breaks Correctly
Creating cuff breaks correctly make slacks look better and create better lines. Men should ask their tailors to create the cuff break at the top of their shoes. A quick trip to a high-quality tailor could also provide necessary alterations when needed.
5. Choose One Pattern That Stands Out
When creating a wardrobe, men should choose one pattern that stands out and makes a great impression. This doesn’t mean men should choose some large floral Hawaiian print that is just tacky. They should stick to a flattering pattern that adds more value to their collection. The pattern shouldn’t include colors that are displeasing or that distract the eye from the wearer.
6. Wear Ties More Often
If men really want to wow their partners, they should consider wearing ties more often. The accessories take an outfit to a whole new level and create a more intriguing look. However, they should choose flattering patterns and stay away from cartoon characters. Classy color schemes that coordinate well with suits and button shirts worn under sweaters are a better choice for looking sleeker.
Following styling tips gives men more insight into today’s fashion and helps them look their best. Choosing better and longer-lasting pieces ensure that men have coordinate choices that give a better first impression. It is vital for men to avoid common mistakes like wearing casual shoes too often and wearing relaxed styles in inappropriate settings. Men who learn more about fashion and how to use it to their advantage get more out of their investments.
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