
Tips & Tricks on Getting Back into the Dating Scene

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After being out of the dating scene for some time, it can feel especially stressful. Whether you’re recently divorced, got out of a long-term relationship, or have been too busy to date, jumping back into the dating scene can be tough. But, in reality, it only feels tough. Dating doesn’t have to be that stressful—most of the stress we feel when dating is produced by our own self-confidence issues. With some basic tips and tricks, you can effectively jump back into the deep end of dating, meeting people and making connections in no time.

Think about what it is you’re looking for.

Before you start dating, you should understand what it is you’re looking for. When it comes to dating, honesty is key. This feels as if this should be obvious, but most of us have had one relationship or another where transparency was not a concern. But it should be! Take time to reflect on past relationships and determine what it is you both liked and disliked; think about what you want out of a future partner; consider whether you want a monogamous or non-monogamous relationship; think about whether you want children, marriage, or none of the above. This can help you to wade through a lot of the fodder that can lead to future disagreements. It’s better to be honest with someone from the start.

Don’t dwell on the past.

Just as you should be thinking about what you want from the future, you shouldn’t be worried about what once was. If you still haven’t gotten over a long-lost ex, consider talking to friends or a therapist to move on; if you can’t stop thinking about actions you made in a past relationship, remember them, but move on, ensuring you don’t repeat said mistakes. You should be living in the moment with the one you are dating, so give them the best you.

Go out with friends.

Friends can be greatly helpful when getting back into dating. Friends who have been recently dating can offer you some sound advice. Furthermore, some friends who work in lively environments might know of fellow people looking to date. You might not be able to imagine it, but your friends can be a great help to you when trying to get dates.

Give dating apps a chance.

You might be wary of dating apps, but they’re popular for a reason. Whether you’re relying on smartphone dating apps or traditional online dating methods, dating apps can provide you with a large swath of people to choose from. The benefit of entering the digital-dating realm is that you can create a tailormade profile that lets others know both about you and what you’re looking for. Furthermore, you can swipe through numerous people until you find someone you’re attracted to and whose interests line up with your own. If the connection sticks, you can meet up in real life and see where things go from there. It’s an easy means of meeting other people with low risks. There’s nothing to lose.

Update and refresh your appearance.

Prior to getting into the dating scene, you should take the time to not only figure out what you want but also improve your self-confidence. If you’ve aged, you might have experienced some hair loss or put on weight. For any male hair loss, particularly that of male-pattern baldness, it can be reversed. There are great products available nowadays that can help induce hair regrowth. Laser caps are a favorite among many people struggling with hair loss, and they can work to leave hair feeling and looking fuller, thicker, and healthier.

If you’re worried about some extra weight, consider cleaning up your diet and hitting the gym. Some minor discipline can help make all the difference with how you look at yourself in the mirror each morning. Furthermore, if you haven’t updated your closet in a while, consider updating what clothing you have. The best tip is to dress your age while still keeping a modern look. No matter how you feel otherwise, some sleek clothes can help induce confidence that will be felt by those you go out with.

Remember to remain humble.

If you’ve been getting a lot of matches on Tinder or have been regularly receiving compliments about your smile or eye for fashion, you shouldn’t let it go to your head. Extreme vanity is an unattractive quality. People appreciate those who are humble, people who aren’t braggadocious or think too highly of themselves. Remain grounded and enjoy everyone you meet, without looking down on them or acting like your opinions are better than their own.

Don’t rush yourself into it.

If you’ve been feeling older, you might feel as if love is beginning to get farther out of reach, but this is nothing more than a misconception. Finding a reliable, trustworthy partner doesn’t have to be a rush—honestly, take your time and make the most of the journey. Not every person you date will be your soulmate, and it’s important to remember this. Not every date will be great, and not every one of your dates will make for an instant connection. You shouldn’t beat yourself up over this. It’s all part of the process and experience!

When dating, you should take your time and enjoy each of your dates as they come and go. Rather than regularly wondering where it will go from there, just live in the moment and enjoy the company. If a date eventually becomes a serious relationship, then it’s all the better; if not, then it’s just a part of human connection.

Remember to make the most of your time dating.

Not only are you trying to find suitable people to join you in life, but you should be regularly evaluating your emotions and appreciating yourself. It might be nerve-wracking, and you might feel self-conscious, but, with a little confidence, you can enjoy every date. Just remember to not take yourself too seriously and appreciate the connections to come.

Just A Guy Thing is a men's lifestyle magazine focused primarily at guys wanting to better themselves.

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