
A Guide to Romance: How to Express Your Love to Your Significant Other

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Love is one of the greatest gifts life can give us. Once you find your significant other, you’ll never want to let them go but in order to keep the spark alive, you’ll need to ensure that you express your love to them on a regular basis.

Some of us can get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and we begin to let romance slip. Luckily, we are on hand to give you some top tips on how you can express your love to your partner.

Cook Them Their Favorite Meal

Love can be expressed in several different ways. In our opinion, the way to your partners heart should be through their stomach. Cooking them their favorite meal can be a kind and loving gesture. Not only is it a great feeling to come home after a stressful day to your favorite meal, but it also helps your partner feel loved and appreciated. It shows them that you have thought of them and taken their interests into consideration.

You don’t have to be the most skilled chef out there to cook a romantic meal for your partner. In fact, there are a huge variety of recipes for two online. You are sure to find something not too challenging and you’ll find it will bring you and your partner closer together.

Understand The Importance of Communication

Communication is a crucial part of any relationship. Without solid lines of communication in place, you may find yourselves arguing and disagreeing a lot more often. It is important that you and your partner value good communication. Take time to listen to what your partner has to say and be there shoulder to cry on. If your partner is talking to you and they feel like you are not listening, this can be really hurtful. By listening and communicating effectively, your partner will feel valued, and it shows them how much you care about them.

Make Them Your Life Partner

Have you found the one? Then you may be thinking about proposing. A proposal can be nerve-wracking and daunting. However, once you hear them say that all important “yes” you are sure to feel an overwhelming sense of happiness and relief. There are plenty of ways that you can propose and make it a romantic occasion to remember.

This blog by Greenvelope lists some romantic ways to propose. You can take some inspiration from these ideas and make them your own. Remember, a proposal is often a once in a lifetime opportunity, so you really want to make it one to remember. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and make it as personal as possible.

Be Spontaneous

There is no better feeling than the element of surprise. A great way to express your love for your partner is to take them on a spontaneous trip or date. As well as showing your partner that you have thought about them it also helps to keep the relationship exciting. You can either make a plan or totally go with the flow. It shows your partner that you can do anything and, as long as they are by your side, you will have a great time.

If you need some help thinking of some date ideas then don’t be afraid to conduct some research of your own. There are plenty of helpful online blogs and articles out there which can give you some well-needed inspiration. It can be something as simple as a picnic in your local park or a day out to the zoo.

Take Time Away from Your Devices

We live in a world where we are attached to our technology. Often, we can neglect our partners by spending too much time scrolling on our laptops and mobile phones. If you are someone who does this, then it’s time to step away from your devices. Not only does it help to give your partner your full attention, but it also means you can spend more time enjoying each other’s company.

It can be a good idea to plan a digital detox or allocate times where both you and your partner will put your phones away. For example, when you have dinner together, you can have a no technology rule. Place your phones and devices in a box and leave them to one side so you are not tempted to reach for them. Time is precious in a relationship, and you certainly don’t want to waste it by being on your devices all day long.

Show Affection

Although it may sound simple, this is something that so many of us can forget to do. Showing signs of affection is one of the easiest ways to show your partner how much you love them. Not all of us like to be affectionate but a simple hug and kiss can go a long way and it can really help your partner feel loved. Through some quick online research, you may be surprised to find that there are several ways you can show affection from physical touch to eye contact.

Without affection, your partner may feel underappreciated. So, it is important that you always make a conscious effort to try, even if your lifestyle can be busy and hectic. It’s the little things that can really go a long way.

Compliment Them

Compliments can really help boost your partners confidence and make them feel good about themselves. It also shows them that you are attracted to them, and it can certainly help to keep that spark alive. We often forget to give compliments, but they have a positive effect on people. So, next time you and your partner are going out make sure to tell them that they look great or compliment them on their outfit. You will soon realize how happy this will make them and it can certainly help them to feel loved and appreciated by you.

With the help of these handy tips above, your relationship will continue to flourish. Both you and your partner will learn to appreciate each other even more and the romance is sure to stay alive.


Just A Guy Thing is a men's lifestyle magazine focused primarily at guys wanting to better themselves.

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