Being a guy is much more than being obsessed with ladies, drinking beer and watching sports. I mean, it is those things, but part of being a manly man is being able to harness our inner manliness to perform functional tasks that no other gender can accomplish (namely, the female of the species!).
There are great number of tasks that manly men can – and should – be able to perform, not only for himself but for his distinctly feminine better other half.
With that in mind, check out the following list of manly things that every guy should be able to do. If you can’t do anything on this list, it’s never too late to learn. God speed my masculine allies! Here are 75 things every guy should be able to do!
- Change a car tire
- Build a camp fire
- Pitch a tent (a proper one fellas, watching porn does NOT count)
- Fire a gun with moderate accuracy
- Down a pint of beer in one gulp
- Sharpen a knife
- Train a dog
- Powerslide a car round a corner
- Paint a room
- Mix concrete
- Cut down a tree
- Fix faulty wiring and light fittings
- Change car oil and filter
- Paddle a canoe
- Set up an XBox on a HDTV
- Steal your neighbours cable and/or WIFI connection
- Read a map WITHOUT using a SatNav
- Throw a mean left/right hook
- Take a mean left/right hook
- Cook a meal that isn’t beans on toast
- Climb a mountain
- Fillet a fish
- Survive a shopping trip with your wife/girlfriend
- Complete an army assault course
- Survive on a desert island (Wilson volleyball is optional)
- Go hiking for the weekend
- Hold your own in a boxing ring
- Survive a bear attack
- Be able to bend it like Beckham
- Fix a leaking pipe
- Host a successful BBQ
- Win a steak eating contest
- Bet (and win) on a horse/dog race
- Beat (at least) one of your friends at arm wrestling
- Hit the bell on the strength contest at the local carnival (you know, the one where you have to swing the hammer)
- Work out to get functional strength – not to look good!
- Put out a fire
- Go fishing with the fellas and actually catch something
- Read a book – anything by Andy McNabis acceptable
- Put up a shelf/bookshelf
- Demonstrate nunchuck skills
- Tie a Windsor knot
- Install hardware/software onto your PC or Mac
- Tarmac a driveway
- Dance while holding a pint of beer (and not spilling the beer)
- Walk home drunk from the pub/club without falling over
- Survive being interrogated
- Act like a gentleman around women
- Win at least one drinking game against your mates
- Drive really fast but never get caught by a camera or radar gun
- Never get lost while driving and NEVER ask for directions
- Listen to your wife/girlfriend while watching the football
- Remember your wife/girlfriends birthday and/or anniversary
- Look at hot women without being caught by your significant other
- Dress well when you need to and slob it up when you don’t
- Keep a covert porn stash where it can never be found (except by you)
- Start a fire using nothing but two sticks and your ingenuity
- Win at least one hand of poker against your friends
- Fix a wobbly table without making the legs 6 inches shorter
- Hussle somebody at a game of pool
- Understand how to play and win on fruit machines
- Make idle conversation with a hot blonde in a bar
- Command a covert team of Special Forces soldiers in a paintball game
- Open a stiff jar lid without blowing a blood vessel
- Flare bottles and glasses like Tom Cruise in Cocktail
- Carry a keg of beer to a party without dropping it
- Pretend to like your wife/girlfriends friends
- Thrash a few geeks on Call of Duty 4 on XBox Live
- Know never to wear socks with sandals. Ever
- Chop logs with an axe for firewood
- Score at least 100 in a game of darts
- Become a Centurion
- Shave like your grandpa
- NEVER forget Valentine’s Day
- Save a child from being hit by a speeding car
If you know of a manly activity that I’ve missed off this list then please let me know in the comments and I’ll add it on. My aim is to get a comprehensive list of strictly male activities for future reference.
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