
3 Ways To Get More From Your Workout

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Exercise is a vital part of any wellness plan, but sometimes finding extra time in your schedule puts a pinch on your routine. That’s one reason why so many people look for ways to increase the impact of the exercise they get. By packing more into a shorter workout, it’s easier to get the right exercise when you are busy, and you can always go back to longer training sessions when your schedule evens out. Another good reason to increase the effectiveness of your training is to break through plateaus or even just to speed up conditioning so you can have more strength and stamina when you need to power through day to day obstacles. Whatever your motivations, here are a few of the best starting points for building a more effective workout routine.

1. Give Your Body the Right Nutrition

Eating well on a day to day basis is important, but that’s not the only way your nutrition is important. Energy boosting vitamins like the vitamin B family at the right time before a workout can help you put your best performance forward. Protein at the right time before and after a workout is also important, especially if you are in a strength building phase. Other essential vitamins and minerals also play a role in how your body responds to the stress of a workout, so finding the right drink or small snack for both sides of your trip to the gym can help you put more into the workout and get more out of it.

2. Dress for Success

Athletic wear has traditionally been made for comfort and range of movement, but today’s performance sportswear goes much further. Mens compression pants and socks support the joints and muscles, easing fatigue and reinforcing their natural direction of movement. That allows you to maintain your workout intensity for longer without overdoing things. For people with chronic muscle and joint issues, these garments are often recommended for symptom control during training because they are effective in increasing circulation and supporting muscle movement. If you are a patient, though, make sure you work with your doctor to identify the right amount of compression for your workout.

3. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

You’re going to lose a lot of water when you work out hard, so short and intense sessions are going to require hydration support. If you’re really pushing your training, you’re also going to need electrolyte replacement to stay healthy. Not only does proper hydration help you do more and perform better, it’s also necessary to support your nutrition so your body can use the fuel you put in before and after a workout.

Just A Guy Thing is a men's lifestyle magazine focused primarily at guys wanting to better themselves.

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